mitsubishi xpander

Mitsubishi Hadirkan Xpander Hybrid, Nissan Livina Ikut Disetrum?

Mitsubishi Hadirkan Xpander Hybrid, Nissan Livina Ikut Disetrum? - Mitsubishi Xpander kini mendapatkan varian ramah lingkungan yang diluncurkan di Thailand beberapa bulan lalu. Mobil low MPV ini…

28 June 2024

Harga Mobil LMPV Belum Ada yang Naik Bulan Ini - Mobil LMPV sejauh ini tetap mencatatkan hasil penjualan yang cukup bagus di Indonesia. Bahkan dengan populernya mobil SUV,…

6 June 2024

Toyota Avanza Still the Best Selling LMPV, Xpander Still ‘Threatening’ - Toyota car sales in Indonesia are still quite good, especially after the Avanza still maintains its top position in…

21 May 2024

Mitsubishi Starts Registering Xpander HEV in Indonesia? - Mitsubishi launched environmentally friendly variants of the Xpander, both low MPV and low SUV models in Thailand several months…

1 May 2024

Suzuki and Mitsubishi Raise Prices of Ertiga and Xpander - Both Suzuki and Mitsubishi have low MPV cars which are their mainstays in Indonesia, namely the Ertiga and Xpander.…

13 April 2024